Four floors of estrogen.

Maritza and her marvelous goodie bag from Schecky's.
All of the free drinks where really gross. They were what I imagine liquor and beer companies think women want in a drink. Boy are they holding on to some stereotypes. All the beer was low cal and low carb with weird fusions like pomegranate or sangaria michelob ultra. They had barely any flavor and what you could taste was awful. Don't even get me started on the liquor drinks. Seriously, we won't go there.
The best thing about Shecky's is the amazing goodie bag. You get like 10 pounds of full size products from Febreeze, Veet, Sauve, Jergens, Softlips and a ton more. Some of them you got multiple items.
Bonus, while there I found out about
Pure Aesthetics Miami is running a laser hair removal promotion for $50 a session. WooHoo! You have to get at least 6 and just for one area, but it's still the deal of the century. For that same price as waxing my bikini line will be bump and hair free come next summer.